Looking Back on the Decade: Success Stories & a Big THANK YOU for Supporting the Crisis Center Over the Years

As the decade draws to a close, we are looking back at some of the major events for the Crisis Center in the last 10 years. We also want to offer our most sincere thanks and gratitude to the volunteers, donors, supporters, staff, partners, and community that make this critical work possible.

We wish we did not need to be here, but are glad we are here for the community. Crisis calls are up 26% and APS/CPS calls are up 14%. 211 referrals – connecting those in need to vital services – are up 200%!

We’ve added Linea de Crisis (the Bay Area Spanish language crisis line) and now offer grief groups in Spanish to better serve the community we represent.

We retired our mortgage with help from Leftovers Thrift Shop and The Joseph & Vera Long Foundation.

We launched the Help Me Grow project with First5 Contra Costa and partners, providing support and resources for parents and developing youth 0-5 years old.

Website use is up 14% and ten years ago we had no social media presence.

Our call center was re-accredited for five years by the American Association of Suicidology in in 2014 and again in 2019!

Again, thanks to all of you for making this lifesaving support possible!

The Crisis Center help lines provide 24/7 crisis counseling. Whether you are dealing emotional distress or other issues, we are here for you. We also can provide or connect you or people you love to services or recovery resources. Call us anytime, night or day, at 211 or 800-833-2900 or text HOPE to 20121.