Volunteer Orientation


Join us for our monthly volunteer orientation!

Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention Training (2 hr)


A brief overview on suicide risk assessment where participants will explore the issue of suicide, learn current suicide related statistics, understand suicide risk factors, learn how to assess for the level of suicide lethality, and a brief introduction to specific interviewing techniques for collecting accurate risk assessment information. Target Audience: Care providers and professionals. This […]

Volunteer Orientation


Join us for our monthly volunteer orientation!

Mendocino Farms Fundraiser

On October 24th, the Contra Costa Crisis Center will receive 30% of the sales* generated during this special fundraiser with Mendocino Farms, 1895 Ygnacio Valley Rd #28 Walnut Creek, CA. You can participate on Oct 24, 2024 from 2:00pm to close by showing the below flyer at the register in the Mendocino Farms location listed […]

Volunteer Orientation


Join us for our monthly volunteer orientation!

Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention Training (2 hr)


A brief overview on suicide risk assessment where participants will explore the issue of suicide, learn current suicide related statistics, understand suicide risk factors, learn how to assess for the level of suicide lethality, and a brief introduction to specific interviewing techniques for collecting accurate risk assessment information. Target Audience: Care providers and professionals. This […]

Volunteer Orientation


Join us for our monthly volunteer orientation!

Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention Training (2 hr)


A brief overview on suicide risk assessment where participants will explore the issue of suicide, learn current suicide related statistics, understand suicide risk factors, learn how to assess for the level of suicide lethality, and a brief introduction to specific interviewing techniques for collecting accurate risk assessment information. Target Audience: Care providers and professionals. This […]