Smoker’s Help Line

Get Help Quitting Smoking or Vaping ! The California Smokers' Helpline is a FREE telephone program that can help you quit tobacco. Questions? Call 211 or text HOPE to 20121 or visit

Smoker’s Help Line – Espanol

¡Obtén ayuda para dejar de fumar o vapear! La Línea de Ayuda para Fumadores de California es un programa telefónico GRATUITO que puede ayudarle a dejar el tabaco. ¿Preguntas? Llame al 211 o envíe un mensaje de texto a HOPE al 20121 o visite…

Golden State Stimulus English

Golden State Stimulus supports low-income families facing hardships due to Covid-19. Call 211 or text HOPE to 20121 for more info or visit

Golden State Stimulus – Espanol

El Estímulo del Estado Dorado (GSS, por sus siglas en inglés) apoya a las familias de bajos ingresos que enfrentan dificultades debido a Covid-19. Llame al 211 o envíe un mensaje de texto a HOPE al 20121 para obtener más información o visite…

Eviction Help

COVID-19 Rent Relief is available. If you or someone you care about is struggling with rent, facing housing challenges or eviction, call or text us. We are here 24/7 with resources and information. Call 211 or text HOPE to 20121.

May Mental Health Month – Suicide Prevention Trainings

Suicide ranks as the 10th leading cause of death in the US, and the 2nd leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds. The Contra Costa Crisis Center will be offering several virtual trainings during 2021 sponsored by CalMHSA (California…

Resources for those dealing with mental health issues – MAY IS MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH

MAY IS MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH Without a doubt, the pandemic has worsened many existing mental health issues and spawned others. The increased isolation has been difficult for many, especially youth who are missing out on in-person socializing…

April is National Volunteer Month

THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING A big thank you to our wonderful volunteers! They help every day on the phone/text lines, with the grief programs, on our board, and all around! They are awesome and we can't say thank you enough. We want…

Suicide Prevention Trainings

Suicide ranks as the 10th leading cause of death in the US, and the 2nd leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds. The Contra Costa Crisis Center will be offering several virtual trainings during 2021 sponsored by CalMHSA (California…

Lend a Hand – Help Loved Ones Get Vaccinated

If you know someone who is eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine appointment right now, but may need a little help, please make that offer. Go to for more info.

Be a Hero – Help Others Get Vaccinated

If you know someone who is eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine appointment right now, but may need a little help, please make that offer. Go to for more info.

From Hello to Help, 211 is Here

What is 211? An easy-t0-remember three-digit number that serves as our community's comprehensive and confidential resource hotline, 24/7. Every year, National 211 Day is celebrated on February 11, too recognize the more than 200 211s located…